The Burren

As in Book One, We Are Shadows, several of the incidents in Book Two are also based on real events in my own life. Most notably is the story of the death of Clair Donovan. The idea for that encounter came from a time when I was in elementary school and had been prescribed a certain medication…

As in Book One, We Are Shadows, several of the incidents in Book Two are also based on real events in my own life. Most notably is the story of the death of Clair Donovan. The idea for that encounter came from a time when I was in elementary school and had been prescribed a certain medication for an illness. The local pharmacist (who had a problem of his own with alcohol) mistakenly filled the prescription with sleeping pills. After a few days of daily sleeping pills, I passed out in the cafeteria during lunch. I was rushed to Boston Childrens Hospital where the problem was discovered, and the medication corrected. My own father’s response to that incident also closely mirrors what transpires in the story.

While visiting Ireland last summer with my daughter, the kernels for the first story, and those occurring on the Aran Islands and in the Dublin pub were planted. Quite a bit of research then went into fleshing out the background for the stories.

As to the supernatural element, there is one visitation that is totally taken from real life. It didn’t happen to me but was told to me when my daughter and I had a private tour of The Burren. As the conversation (naturally) turned to the supernatural, and paranormal visitations, our fabulous and knowledgeable tour guide told us of an event in her life that I have faithfully (and with permission) recreated in the visitation of Brian’s grandmother to Moira.

I hope you enjoy each one of these glimpses into the Otherworld!

Le gach dea-ghuí,


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